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Star Trek: Generation

Star Trek: Generation

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Star Trek: Generation Picture And Collection

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Star Trek: Generation Story

The new uniforms were designed and built for the film Star Trek Generations, but were abandoned at the last minute. However, Playmates has launched a series of action figures, the uniform [8]. Crew generations TNG uniforms and DS9/VOY, sometimes in the same scene (eg, Riker and Worf in the battle against bird Duras sisters of prey or scan data Geordi and the Amargosa Observatory trilithium ).

As the film progresses, some characters change between the old and the design of new uniforms, but also back (as Captain Picard in the final scene of the film). Would act as an introduction of the new design as the standard for wear of Star Trek: Voyager.

Combadge the new style (with a gold oval background combage TNG replaced by a gold background with a rectangular cutout in the center) was also introduced for all types of uniforms, and later adopted in his early DS9's third season.


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