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Watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine

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Deep Space Nine, a new style of uniform that seemed to run parallel to the one seen on TNG. The new uniform consisted of a one-piece jumpsuit with the colored areas with open neck and black contrast (ie, the color of the black body and shoulders). Gray sweater has been added (although the light tends to give a little 'gray-violet), which is attached to the points of investment. Character of Major Kira wearing orange (the color Bajoran command) suit on a white shirt / blouse with the symbols Bajoran, bringing him back to the list. This was due to the fact that he was not a member of Starfleet, but Bajoran liaison Deep Space 9 He argued that a uniform (and a blue dress version), until he took command of the state, at the end of the series, when moved to the traditional gray uniform around who had become the standard by that date. Security Service chief Odo also wearing a brown uniform Bajoran security, because it was not Starfleet, just Watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

star trek deep space nine

 Star Trek Deep Space Nine

The crew of the station still wear the uniform style TNG (DS9: "move along a house"), and both the TNG and DS9-style uniforms appear side by side in TNG "Birthright, Part I" and the DS9 " home front "and" Paradise Lost "as well as the series pilot," The Messenger ".

Throughout the run of DS9, said the staff of Starfleet ship-based design to carry the old TNG uniforms. The new design can be conceived as 'Class' a variant of the same for the different environment of the space station, as in a scene in "The Maquis, Part I" Captain Sisko can be seen in uniform again style while the commander Hudson can be seen wearing the old style. Sisko also wore uniforms from TNG to certain formal occasions and at its first arrival at DS9. Admirals also retained the style of TNG.

After the release of

Star Trek: First Contact

, also the new film gray uniform designs appeared in DS9 fifth season, and the rest of the series


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