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Original Star Trek

Directed by JJ Abrams

Star Trek Movie 2011 Poster

Starring: Chris Pine, Zachery Quinto, Simon Pegg, Carl Urban, Eric Bana

I am a shameless fan of Trek, so I did like Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan on the Star Wars movies. However, the Empire Strikes Back is better than the rest of the Star Trek films. I do not consider myself a "rivet counter" Trek series itself. For example, it makes no difference to me whether a new film brings Checkov displayed on the bridge at the time of Sulu, or if it arrives late, as in the original series. The only reason I know this is true because I have a friend who follows the mythology of the series in every detail.

However, I think there are parts of the Star Trek universe, which is needed to create a Star Trek movie. There is of course an eye on the ships and uniforms, but mostly there are thematic elements and philosophy that made Trek what it is not a Star Wars film.


JJ Abrams had a very high standard, taking this franchise. The fan base is angry and critical change to the franchise intensely. At the same time, these shoes were hit by the latest film in the franchise. Star Trek: Nemesis really caused the demise of the franchise, at least temporarily. The uprising was a good episode of the next generation rather broad, but not worthy of the films so that the forces behind the franchise these days have really hit a wall. Thus, the decision of the franchise for a while was the best thing that Paramount could have done.

JJ Abrams is a person that I have always followed and are rarely disappointed. Although I never saw his first television series Felicity, but I do not watch Alias, and are obsessed with LOST. Its Mission: Impossible installment of the franchise was the best of these films as well. Tom Cruise and destroyed the franchise on his couch jumping antics. Last year, Abrams has produced a little movie called Cloverfield, Godzilla story renovated so exciting and innovative as well. So, Abrams' television screens, and brings a new vision of the current tropes are really successful. When I heard that he was becoming a franchise, I could not be more excited. The audio files, then started hitting the web in which he said things like "I loved the Star Trek franchise." They are many types of comments, even if it is true, it was a mistake, because it devalued the successful franchise, has assumed and has wanted a fan base, and the public embrace the mainstream.

I felt I did not care much for hardcore fans, but wanted to focus on moviegoers in general. While the public is a wider audience, but fans Trek is large enough that only they can make the film a success at the box office.

So I'm sitting in a theater in my mind all this, and then the lights went down.

The film begins with a bang. I feared that I had seen too much action in the trailers and commercials. Everything stated in the marketing of this film is set in the opening minutes of the film. These first few minutes until you reach the end of this film is full of action. After the movie, I spoke with a friend, and complained that there was never much action the philosophy of the franchise at any time the screen. It is true that the film is full of action, but are not they all? Do not see the business of accident and jump across the surface of a planet? That said, Abrams would have been nice to have integrated some of the thematic elements that made the franchise stand out in their film release. The truth is that you can choose to change that. At this point I do not know. Most of the movie is not the action focuses on introducing the main characters.


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